Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creating Stereoscopic 3D Images

A lot of experimenting with this one. Took many shots. A lot were failures. But eventually had a few successes after eventually getting a hold of a tripod and learning to use layers in Adobe Photoshop. Found a number of different strategies to working with lighting, composition, and the various perspectives within my images.

Most of the images are in red/cyan but one can be viewed in green/magenta. Often times you may have to flip the glasses around as well since I experimented a lot with rotation and shifting of the anaglyph stereoscopic images.

-Only a handful of the images I have taken which I found decent enough to post-

EXPERIMENTS THAT WORKED (Best viewed if enlarged by clicking on image):






For image above use either the green/magenta or red/cyan glasses




Thanks to Jeanette for helping out! Shot on campus near event center.


I like the way the dresser is in perspective as well as the different uses of stuffed animal/subjects (interacting with one another within the composition which creates a story while giving off a eye-popping-depth like appeal)


The lighting effect and the way the chandelier pops out at you in relation to the kitchen in the background gave a very tangible/engaging experience.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. For displaying on a monitor the green/magenta anaglyph tend to work better (less cross-talk because the filtering is better).
    Correctness: 14 points (out of 14)
    Creativity: 5 points (out of 6)
    Total: 19 points
