A drawing I made back in High School of myself, my childhood friend, and her boyfriend from left to right respectively.

A drawing I made of myself as a pilot in a made-up cartoon series.
I apologize that this isn't an animation but I haven't done anything of that sort quite yet and thought I post this short trailer I did for my RTVF 171 class last semester.
Here is the better HD quality version:
About Me:
Hello my name is Theodore Reid. I also go by the name T.J. I was born in America but I spent a great deal of time growing up in Japan. I have initially went to University of Santa Cruz as a Computer Science major to pursue my undergraduate degree but transferred a little over a year ago to San Jose State as an RTVF major w/ a concentration in Film and double minoring in computer science and math. After I graduate I hope to pursue a career in the field I am studying perhaps in cinematography.
Courses I've taken:
Art - Art 12 (2D Design), Art 14 (color theory), Art 24
Science - Physics 6A/lab (@ UCSC), Chemistry 1B (@ UCSC),
Current Courses this Semester:
Art 123 Physics of Animation
History 170 Topics of American History
Kin 69 - Stress Management
RTVF 110- Electronic Media & Culture
TA for RTVF 170
Possibly RTVF 130